This years Pallet Track Annual Gala Evening was Presented by the legendary comedian Jim Davidson. We all had such a fantastic day and partied on and on and on

Introducing ‘Team Bowers’, Anita, Kate, Martyn, Holly, Jenny
Best Behaviour was the order of the day, but the night…… was for fun, so much fun
Work hard, play harder. That’s the mantra we live by

TLP Wins two Awards. Regional Depot Of The Year 2017 For Central and East Areas and Performance Award For Achieving Above 99% Delivery Performance Over The Last 12 Months

Holly and Kate
Champagne, Awards, Music and a fantastic atmosphere. What more do you need other than more Champagne

Presentation Stage

Dad and Daughters
I’m so proud of my team and my family. It’s our strength that enables us to deliver the goods and get the job done. Here’s to another record breaking year
This superb evening was a fantastic event and as usual everyone attending had a wonderful and eventful day. We Laughed, Smiled and Chilaxed and we won awards too. Bring it on 2018, were primed and ready for more

Jim Davidson, Holly Bowers, Jenny Bowers, Kate Bowers, Anita Bowers, Martyn Bowers, Mark Pulford
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